Program Mentors are Astrologers handpicked by Debra Silverman who are experts on the content in each Level of Applied Astrology. Level 1 and 2 each include 4 LIVE classes, those classes are taught by a teacher we call a “DSA Mentor".
Each Mentor will have studied their students natal charts before classes begin, so they will be very familiar with each students unique blueprint. In Level 1 the student's DSA Mentor meets with them one on one to discuss their natal chart. In Level 2 the student's DSA Mentor provides them with feedback on their practice client reading.
Shortly after signing up for Level 1 or Level 2 students receive a Welcome to Applied Astrology email. There is a link in the email to view and choose available DSA Mentor Class schedules.
Please note DSA Mentor Class schedules are offered on a first come first serve basis for registered students only.
If a student thinks they may not have received their Welcome to Applied Astrology email please contact -
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