MODULE 1: Your Natal Chart and the 4 Elements of Astrology
We begin by getting a visual of your natal chart. To simplify and make it easy to an absolute beginner (or even an advanced student), we’re going to talk in depth about the elements. This is the very beginning of your journey. By the time you’re finished with this module, you’ll have a clear understanding of the four elements, their qualities, and their relationship with your life.
This Module Includes:
- Personality questionnaire determining your elemental constitution (which is another way of saying your different personality traits). Once you identify your missing element, you’ll be given homework to develop it. This is where people’s lives get changed. It’s a very simple process but it is life-changing.
• Excerpts from the book, The Missing Element.
• Specific homework assignments unique to your personality to wake up your missing element(s).
MODULE 2: Mercury and Your Mind
Mercury is one of the most important planets in Astrology. It determines the way that your mind operates and the number one metaphysical principle is your thoughts determine your reality. Learning about Mercury is like being able to see your thoughts in the rear-view mirror. You’ll learn about the Observer. When you understand the mind, you unlock your superpowers.
This Module Includes:
- Discovering what sign your Mercury is in, so you can discover how your mind works in its most natural and free-flowing state.
• Journaling prompts to notice your repetitive thought processes that may be sabotaging you from moving forward.
• A powerful 7-minute exercise that will allow you to observe your internal dialogue.
MODULE 3: North Node – The Shortcut to Enlightenment
If you want wisdom…if you want answers…you’ll want to learn about your North Node. Which is why we devote a full module to this topic. This is the week people find the greatest value, based on the information they discover about their shadow.
This Module Includes:
- Finding out where your North Node is, so you can stretch towards it and be in your spiritual lane on the right highway. You will discover your South Node, which represents the tendencies you fall back on when life gets tough.
• Affirmations, permission slips, and homework assignments for each North Node placement.
• Creating a personal dream board that will deepen your relationship with your North Node.
MODULE 4: Understanding Saturn – Finding Your Purpose in Life
Saturn is the timekeeper of the zodiac, in Debra’s system it’s the most important planet of all. It ensures that you’ll accomplish your soul’s purpose…you’re going to love this module. At the completion of Module 4, you’ll have much more direction and clarity in your life – something that many people go their whole lives without.
This Module Includes:
- Learn about seven year cycles
• What Saturn Return means
• Your specific life lesson and your soul’s purpose
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